P: (07) 3236 4740 M: 0405 136 565 E: [email protected] |
CHAMBERS ADMINISTRATOR Leona Priest P: (07) 3236 4083 E: [email protected] |
1993: LLB (Queensland University of Technology)
1994: Admission as Barrister, Supreme Court of Queensland
1994: Admission as Barrister, High Court of Australia
Accredited mediator (National Mediator Accreditation System)
- Building/Construction, Infrastructure and Mining
- Professional Negligence
- Commercial
- Succession
- Arbitration
- Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution
Following her call to the Bar in 1994, Sally worked as a law clerk for two years at various law firms including Clayton Utz (Insurance Litigation). Having established herself in private practice at the Bar in 1996, Sally initially acted in a range of practice areas including commercial, insurance, building/construction, succession, administrative, personal injuries and family law in various Courts and Tribunals.
Since 2004, the primary focus of her practice has been on building/construction, infrastructure, mining, professional negligence, commercial and estate/succession matters in a variety of jurisdictions, mediation and dispute resolution processes such as arbitration and expert determination.
From October 2006 to October 2008, Sally was appointed as a Sessional Member of the Commercial and Consumer Tribunal (Qld). During that time, she presided over numerous matters in the building and construction division.
Sally was named in the Doyle’s Construction & Infrastructure Queensland Barristers List as leading junior counsel in 2012 and recommended junior counsel in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019.
Sally’s experience in the construction, mining, infrastructure and commercial field (as sole counsel or junior counsel led by Queen’s Counsel) includes disputes involving:
Payment claims and subcontractor charges: For example Watkins Contracting Pty Ltd v Hyatt Ground Engineering Pty Ltd [2018] QSC 065 and Transfield Services (Aust) Pty Ltd v Nortask Pty Ltd [2012] QSC 306
Fire damage to mining infrastructure – property damage and consequential losses claim in excess of $60M: Mount Isa Mines Ltd v CMA Assets Pty Ltd & Ors [2016] QSC 260; [2017] QCA 259; [2018] 3 Qd R 1
Commercial contract claims of approximately $1.8M arising from storage of solar panels and associated works: Nortask Pty Ltd v Areva Solar KCP Pty Ltd [2018] QSC 144; [2018] QSC 210; [2018] QCA 293
Civil works for construction and installation of mining gas power plant – claims of approximately $500K: Nortask Pty Ltd v Clarke Energy Australia Pty Ltd [2017] QDC 268; [2017] QDC 284; [2018] QDC 33
Civil works for construction of electricity substation – contractual and variation claims of approximately $2.7M settled prior to advanced litigation
Mining accommodation commercial contractual dispute – claim approximately $3.6M: Velvet Glove Holdings Pty Ltd v Mount Isa Mines Ltd [2011] QSC 095; [2011] QCA 312
Partial collapse of a major sporting stadium roof – claim approximately $10M settled prior to advanced litigation
Structural failure of basement car park supporting a mixed use residential and commercial complex – claim approximately $20M: UI International Pty Ltd v Interworks Architects Pty Ltd [2010] QSC 280 and [2012] QSC 142
Structural failure of a port heavy duty pavement involving an alliance contract – claim approximately $65M
Construction of a double circuit transmission line – latent conditions claim approximately $6M
The building regulatory and statutory insurance scheme: For example Lange v Queensland Building Services Authority [2012] 2 Qd R 457
In the Succession area, Sally has acted (as sole and junior counsel led by Queen’s Counsel) in matters involving solemn form proceedings, family provision applications and other estate/trust disputes. Examples include Kozak v Matthews [2007] QSC 204 and [2007] QCA 296; Conroy v Smith [2007] QSC 182 and McCorley v Pakleppa [2005] QSC 083